6/9, 4:00 pm: Utah Climate and Clean Air Compact - A Conversation with Investors about Opportunities in Clean Energy and Climate Solutions
6/10, 9:00 am: The Future of Conservative Climate Policy with Congressman Curtis
6/10, 7:00 pm: The Way Forward on Climate - a Clubhouse conversation with Hunter Thomas, Nick Huey, and Bill Barron
6/12 - 6/13: CCL National Conference
6/14 - 6/21: CCL Lobby Week. Sign up if you're interested in joining a lobby team.
6/14, 5:00pm: Utah CCL Conservative Action Team, with Bob Inglis. Zoom 3436964851.
6/15, 6:30pm: Clean Air Caucus meeting (in person and streamed.) Logan Mitchell will be discussing the history of air pollution in Utah. Facebook link. Room 210 Senate Building, Capitol Hill.
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Utah Capitol from the entry stairs.

Utah students lobby at the Capitol

Listening to HCR007 testimony

Utah Capitol from the entry stairs.

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